Criminal Justice B.S.


The major objectives of the criminal justice program are to prepare students for a wide variety of professional careers involving social needs such as the criminal justice system and human services. The program provides an opportunity for persons currently serving in the criminal justice system to continue their education. This discipline also complements the education received by students in related disciplines and fosters an understanding of the role and function of the criminal justice system.

Degree Requirements

As of Fall 2020, the Criminal Justice faculty are proud to present a brand new curriculum meant to provide Criminal Justice majors with courses designed to provide students with the necessary skills and resources to find gainful employment post-graduation. The newly revised B.S. in Criminal Justice will support this mission by providing an innovating teaching and research environment developed and implemented by faculty with diverse educational and practitioner experience. The new curriculum will include courses never before offered at UT Tyler and incorporates both theoretical and applied elements into the classroom.

Please note that certain courses are offered only in Fall (F) and Spring (S) semesters, while others are offered every semester. We also offer summer courses, but those change yearly. The degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice are as follows.


University Core Curriculum (42 hrs.)

Lower Division Requirements (18 hrs.)

CRIJ 1301Introduction to Criminal Justice [TCCN: CRIJ 1301]

CRIJ 1306Court Systems and Practices [TCCN: CRIJ 1306]

CRIJ 1310Fundamentals of Criminal Law [TCCN: 1310]

CRIJ 2313Correctional Systems and Practices [TCCN: 2313]

CRIJ 2328Police Systems and Practices [TCCN: CRIJ 2328]

MATH 1342Statistics [TCCN: MATH 1342]

Fall CRIJ 1310, CRIJ 2328
Spring CRIJ 1306, CRIJ 2313
Fall/Spring CRIJ 1301

Upper Division Requirements (15 hrs.)

CRIJ 3310Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice

CRIJ 3311Administration of Criminal Justice Agencies

CRIJ 3320Criminology

CRIJ 4322Criminal Justice Research Methods

CRIJ 4355Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice

NOTE: CRIJ 4355 - This course can only be taken once all major requirements are completed and the student is in their final semester at UT Tyler.

 Fall CRIJ 3311, CRIJ 3320 
 Spring CRIJ 3310 
 Fall/Spring CRIJ 4322, CRIJ 4355 

General Electives (15 hrs.)

At a minimum students will be required to take 15 additional general elective hours from any discipline to fulfill the 120 hour requirement for graduation.

Criminal Justice Concentrations (15 hours)

In addition to the above requirements, students must complete two concentrations, or one concentration and an outside minor. A minor is no longer required but is encouraged for students who want to complete outside coursework. To learn more about why each concentration may be the right choice for you, click here for more information. Each concentration is 15 credit hours and there are four concentrations that students may choose from:

Forensic Science

CHEM 1320Forensic Chemistry I

CRIJ 3301Survey of Forensic Science

CRIJ 4344Crime Scene Processing

CRIJ 4345Courtroom Testimony

and one of the following

CRIJ 3344Drugs, Behavior and Criminal Justice


GEOG 4330Geographic Information Systems


ANTH 3380Physical Anthropology

Juvenile Justice

CRIJ 3340Victimology

CRIJ 4307The Juvenile Justice System

CRIJ 4309Family Violence

CRIJ 4311Race, Class, Gender, and Delinquency

CRIJ 4312Legal Issues in Juvenile Justice

Homeland Security

CRIJ 4333Contemporary Policing

CRIJ 4334Homeland Security

CRIJ 4335Emergency Planning and Risk Management

GEOG 4330Geographic Information Systems

and one of the following

POLS 3395Middle Eastern Politics


POLS 4305International Terrorism


POLS 4310International Conflict

Criminal Justice Generalist

Pick five upper-division courses from the Forensic Science, Juvenile Justice, Homeland Security concentrations, or three graduate-level courses for students in the five-year BS/MS/MPA 4+1 program. However, if students elect to take the Generalist Concentration as their second concentration then they are more limited in terms of the remaining options. For example, if students choose to complete the Juvenile Justice and Generalist Concentrations then they can only choose Forensic Science and Homeland Security courses to complete the Generalist Concentration. You cannot apply any course to more than one concentration.

Five-year BS/MS/MPA 4+1 Program

UT Tyler Undergraduate students in Criminal Justice may choose this program to complete their master’s degree in one additional year. Students will choose a project under this program and are required to take 9 credits of graduate-level courses (electives) in their senior year. Criminal Justice undergraduate majors with a minimum GPA of 3.49 who are interested in the 4+1 program must apply through the Criminal Justice program no later than the last semester of their junior year. Students that are accepted into the 4+1 program will be conditionally admitted in the first semester of their senior year, and fully admitted once completing all requirements for the Criminal Justice degree and fulfilling all admissions requirements for the Criminal Justice master’s program. Students must obtain an average “B” grade in all the graduate-level courses taken during their senior year. The graduate-level courses would be applied to courses in the Criminal Justice master’s program. 
Notes: (1) No more than 21 lower-division hours in criminal justice may be applied toward baccalaureate degree requirements. (2) All courses cross-listed between criminal justice and any other discipline must be taken as criminal justice courses.

Recommended 4-Year Course Sequence

Criminal Justice BS (One Concentration and Minor)

Criminal Justice BS (Two Concentrations)