Complaints and Judicial Process

Discrimination Complaints

Please see the Complaints and Grievances Process in the Student Success section of this catalog.

Accreditation-Related Complaints

Complaints regarding the FCOP, as it relates to the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) standards, policies, or procedures, may be reported to ACPE at

Fisch College of Pharmacy-Related Complaints

For complaints unrelated to the ACPE standards, policies, or procedures, the FCOP’s administration encourages communication of these concerns to contact the FCOP. If the concern involves a pharmacy course, the student is encouraged to discuss the concern and/or resolve the issue with the following individuals, in order:

  • Instructor
  • Course Coordinator
  • Department Chair (for that course coordinator)
  • Assistant/Associate Dean for Experiential Education (for IPPE, APPE) or Assistant/Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

If the concern does not involve a course, the student is encouraged to bring concerns to the appropriate FCOP Assistant or Associate Dean:

  • Assistant/Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
  • Assistant/Associate Dean for Experiential Education
  • Assistant/Associate Dean for Student Affairs

If the above communications do not resolve the student’s concern, the student may contact the FCOP Dean.

FCOP students are also encouraged to seek guidance from their faculty advisor regarding concerns and for questions regarding the complaint process.

Professional and Academic Standards Committee 

The FCOP Professional and Academic Standards Committee (PASC) acts on all petitions concerning internal matters within the FCOP regarding academic matters, including, but not limited to: academic probation, academic dismissal, and retroactive course withdrawals. Students may submit a PASC appeal within 14 calendar days of receiving an academic notification. Student appeals of PASC decisions may be submitted in writing to the Dean within 14 calendar days of the date of the PASC notification to the student. A formal response to the appeal will be sent within 30 calendar days of receiving the appeal.

Office of Judicial Affairs

The University’s Office of Judicial Affairs manages violations of the student Code of Conduct policies, violations of Residence Life policies, and scholastic dishonesty. Students are encouraged to seek guidance from the FCOP Office for Academic Affairs in all matters concerning University petitions.