Transfer of Graduate Credit

Transfer of graduate credit from an accredited institution is limited to a total of no more than 12 semester hours. The Clinical Psychology Ph.D. may accept up to 15 semester hours of transfer credit. Individual Ph.D. programs may adopt more restrictive limits. Hours transferred into a Ph.D. program should represent credit earned after the award of the master’s degree. Exceptions to the number of hours transferred may be requested by the program to the Dean of the Graduate School. Only credit with a grade of “B” or better may be transferred. Credit earned more than six calendar years before admission to the program will not be accepted for transfer.

The program will determine what courses, if any, are accepted for transfer. The Ph.D. student may be examined on all transferred courses at the time of the Ph.D. proficiency examinations.

Transfer work does count toward the 99-Hour Rule for tuition purposes. See above for state law regarding the 99-Hour Rule.