Immunization and Medical Requirements

Bacterial Meningitis and Other Immunizations

  1. Bacterial Meningitis is a serious, potentially deadly infection of the fluid in the spinal cord and the fluid that surrounds the brain. This disease strikes about 3,000 Americans each year, including 100-125 on college campuses. Bacterial Meningitis is transmitted when people exchange saliva (such as by kissing, or by sharing drinking containers, utensils, cigarettes, toothbrushes, etc.) or come in contact with respiratory or throat secretions. Symptoms includes high fever, rash or purple patches on skin, light sensitivity, confusion and sleepiness, lethargy, severe headache, vomiting, stiff neck, nausea, and seizures. The more symptoms, the higher the risk, so when these symptoms appear seek immediate medical attention. Prevention depends on the use of vaccines, rapid diagnosis and prompt treatment of close personal contacts.

    In accordance with Texas Education Code 51.9192, Subchapter Z and amended by SB 62 (2013), all first-time UT Tyler students who are younger than 22 years of age or students (younger than 22 years of age) who previously attended UT Tyler but were not enrolled during the fall 2011 semester are required to provide proof of vaccination against bacterial meningitis. All documentation should be submitted to the Enrollment Services Center (ESC) in ADM 230 or Exemptions for this requirement are as follows:

    • The student is 22 years of age or older on the first day of the semester.
    • The student is enrolled in online-only programs. 
    • The student submits an affidavit or a certificate signed by a physician who is duly registered and licensed to practice in the United States, stating, in the physician's opinion, the vaccination required would be injurious to the student's health and well-being.
    • The student submits a signed Exemption from Immunizations for Reasons of Conscience Affidavit Form. This form can be requested from the Texas Department of State Health Services at:
    • New students who are also Texas high school students enrolled in a dual enrollment program where the dual enrollment classes are held at a Texas high school.
  2. In accordance with State law, the following immunizations are required for all students enrolled in health related courses which will involve direct patient contact in medical or dental care facilities or who come in contact with human or animal biological fluids or tissue.* Students for whom these immunizations are not required are strongly urged to obtain these immunizations for their own protection.

    Measles: proof of two doses of measles vaccine administered on or after the first birthday and at least 30 days apart or proof of immunity.

    Mumps: proof of one dose of mumps vaccine administered on or after the first birthday or proof of immunity.

    Rubella: proof of one dose administered on or after the first birthday or proof of immunity.

    Tetanus/diphtheria: proof of one “booster” dose of tetanus/diphtheria (within 10 years).

    Hepatitis B virus (HBV): proof of serologic immunity to HBV or certification of immunization with a complete series of Hepatitis B vaccine. Students will be required to present a letter or other suitable written certification.

    Influenza: proof of influenza vaccination required every fall semester

    * Note: Certain exemptions are allowed from the immunization requirement

    Students enrolled at University of Texas institutions will assume the full cost of the immunizations.

    Students may obtain information regarding the consequences of not being current on immunization for certain diseases; the age groups most vulnerable to these vaccine preventable diseases; and local providers of immunization services from the University Health Clinic.

  3. UT Tyler requires all new and returning International and Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) students, as well as all visiting scholars, who are considered to be at high risk for tuberculosis disease, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to be screened for tuberculosis (TB) prior to participating in campus activities at UT Tyler or resuming activities at UT Tyler after visiting countries included on the World Health Organization (WHO) High Burden Countries list for TB.  For more information see

HIV and Hepatitis B Infection

The University of Texas at Tyler recognizes Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) as serious public health threats and is committed to encouraging an informed and educated response to issues and questions concerning these infections. In furtherance of its commitment UT Tyler has adopted a policy and procedural steps to protect both the rights and well-being of those students, employees, and patients who may be infected with HIV or HBV as well as to prevent the spread of infection. No individual with HIV or HBV infection will be discriminated against in employment, admission to academic programs, health benefits, or access to facilities. Students with HIV or HBV infection may attend all classes without restriction, as long as they are physically and mentally able to participate and perform assigned work and pose no health risks to others. All information regarding the medical status of UT Tyler faculty, staff, and students is confidential.