Audits may only be processed during the period from the first day of courses to the Census Date of each term. As Audits differ significantly from regular enrollments, individuals should be aware of the following characteristics of Audited courses:
An automatic grade of 'AU – Audit' will be assigned at the time of registration
Courses with the 'AU' grade cannot be dropped once added
Courses with the 'AU' grade do not earn academic credit
Courses with the 'AU' grade do not qualify students for advanced standing examinations
Participation in class activities is at the sole discretion of the instructor
Audit fees are non-refundable and are based on the total credit hours of Audited courses as follow:
1-4 hours = $50
5-8 hours = $100
9-11 hours = $150
12-14 hours = $200
15 or more hours = $250
Certain courses are ineligible for Audit registration including, but not limited to:
Any course offered on an individual instruction basis
Any course requiring the use of laboratories, computers or studio spaces
All courses offered through the Ben and Maytee Fisch College of Pharmacy
A student may Audit one or more courses by taking the following steps:
New students must obtain an Audit Application from the Enrollment Services Center (ADM 230); current students proceed to step two.
Complete the Course Audit Request form available in the Enrollment Services Center (ADM 230). One form must be completed per course being audited.
Obtain required signatures of the Instructor and either the Chair or Dean.
To register, return the completed Course Audit Request form to the Enrollment Services Center (ADM 230).
Make payment of all applicable audit fees at the Enrollment Services Center (ADM 230). Students who are residents of the State of Texas and are 65 years of age or older may claim an exemption from audit fees at the ESC at the time of registration.