Speech Communication B.A./B.S.


Whether one seeks a career in teaching, law, the ministry, business, government, the arts, or social services, the ability to communicate is essential to success. The speech communication program offers the student an opportunity to develop effective communication skills through courses in rhetoric and public address, interpersonal, intercultural and small group communication, business and professional communication, and communication theory.


  1. B.A. in speech communication: 36 hours in speech communication, 21 of which must be upper division, and 12 of the upper division hours in the major must be taken at this university; 18 hours in a minor; and four semesters of a foreign language and electives sufficient to meet university requirements.
  2. B.S. in speech communication: 36 hours in speech communication, 21 of which must be upper division and 12 of the upper division hours in the major must be taken at this university; 18 hours in a minor; and six hours of mathematics, science, economics, geography and/or computer science, in addition to those otherwise counted as lower-division preparation and electives sufficient to meet university requirements.
  3. Speech communication as a minor: 18 hours of speech communication, 9 of which must be upper division.
  4. Sports Communication as a minor: 15 specific hours in speech communication and mass communication plus 3 hours in sports marketing.
  5. Teacher Certification

Degree Requirements

Total Semester Credit Hours=120

University Core Curriculum (42 hrs.)

A minimum grade of "C" in each speech communication course

Thirty-six semester hours of speech communication, 21 of which must be upper division, and at least 12 upper division hours in the major must be taken at this university:

Speech Communication Core (12 hrs.)

SPCM 2318Interpersonal Communication [TCCN: SPCH 1318]

SPCM 3322Small Group Communication

SPCM 4315Organizational Communication


SPCM 4330Interviewing

SPCM 4320Communication Theory

Six hours from:
SPCM 1315Fundamentals of Speech Communication [TCCN: SPCH 1315]

SPCM 2335Argumentation and Debate

SPCM 3321Business and Professional Speaking

SPCM 4326Public Speaking

18 hours of additional SPCM courses

Electives sufficient to meet university requirements.

Minor: At least 18 hrs. in a single related discipline to be chosen in consultation with the student's major advisor.

Four semesters of an approved foreign language: The student may also complete this requirement by passing a written examination approved by the foreign language faculty.