Health Sciences M.S.

Total Semester Credit Hours = 36

The Master of Science in Health Sciences program is designed to prepare graduates to be effective leaders in the fields of health promotion and disease prevention. The Master of Science in Health Sciences extends upon the curriculum within the Department's undergraduate program in health studies, thus providing both a strong foundation for professional leadership roles as well as future advanced degrees in the field of Health.

Graduates of this program will be prepared to assume leadership roles in: a) assessing, planning, implementing and evaluation individual and group needs for interventions aimed at promoting health and preventing disease; b) administering and/or coordinating specialized activities and programs aimed at promoting health and preventing disease; c) communicating health needs and concerns and resource availability for programs aimed at promoting health and preventing disease; e) critiquing, conducting and contributing to research related to health promotion and disease prevention; f) and serving as advocates for improvements in the fields of health promotion and disease prevention through effective education of individuals, groups and communities.


At the completion of the Master's program, the graduate should be able to:

  1. Content

    Critique, conduct and contribute to health promotion and disease prevention research.

    Plan and implement health promotion and disease prevention interventions.

    Compare and contrast existing health programs and theories, and evaluate their relevance for personal and group health.

    Coordinate specialized health promotion and disease prevention activities.

  2. Critical Thinking

    Assess personal interests and abilities in preparation for selecting an area of specialization in the health field.

    Demonstrate an ability and use analogy, model, and metaphor to organize information in the health sciences

    Apply statistical, social/political, historical/futurist, and ethical modes of thinking as it pertains to health.

    Evaluate and critique the underlying assumptions of the dominant health science discourses.

    Analyze and critically assess local, regional, national, and global health issues.

  3. Communication

    Communicate health needs, concerns, and resource availability for health promotion and disease prevention purposes in research format.

    Demonstrate an ability and use analogy, model, and metaphor to communicate meaning in the health sciences

    Communicate health information to diverse groups, for health promoting and disease prevention purposes.

    Communicate health needs and concerns to government and non-governmental entities involved in establishing or changing health policy.

    Serve as a resource professional for health promotion and disease prevention activities.

    Present ideas clearly and effectively in written oral communications

    Develop and apply networking skills to create and maintain consultative relationships

  4. Leadership

    Demonstrate knowledge of cutting edge health policies or models.

    Advocate health to peers and family by practicing model health behaviors.

    Function as leaders in supporting health education of individuals, groups and communities.

    Advocate for improvements in the field of health promotion and disease prevention.

    Plan, implement and evaluate individual and group needs for health promotion and disease prevention interventions

  5. Ethics/Values

    Evaluate moral and ethical conduct using multiple value systems and perspectives.

    Identify ethical issues involved in research, practice, and governance and understand how ethical principles are used to guide professional activities.

    Weigh judgments of detrimental behavior in respect to health outcomes against surrounding determinants of health.

  6. Technology

    Demonstrate an ability to use statistical computing software to analyze data and display information.

    Demonstrate an ability to use a broad range of technology in health sciences.

    Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of various intervention technology in health science and promotion.

  7. Diversity

    Explain the cultural, social, economic, and environmental determinants of health and of health disparities.

    Evaluate the relative merits of embracing either a diversity or homogeneity social agenda, and make inferences about likely health implications for our region and world health.

    Describe recent trends in health sciences that reveal an association between socioeconomic status and disease or wellness.

Curriculum (36 semester hours)

Core Requirements (24 semester hours)

HECC 5303Research Design

HECC 5317Biometric Methods

ALHS 5347Epidemiology

ALHS 5365Theories and Models in Health Behavior

ALHS 5303Advanced Topics in Allied Health Science

ALHS 5305Analysis of Needs, Processes, and Outcomes in Health

HECC 5395Thesis I

HECC 5396Thesis II


HECC 5397Internship

HECC 5398Internship

Prescribed Electives (12 semester hours) chosen with advisor