Financial Aid Programs

Students will find a wide range of grant, loan, employment, and tuition exemption and waiver programs available at UT Tyler.

Grant Programs

Federal Pell Grants

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants

Texas Public Educational Grants


Education Affordability Grant

Loan Programs

William D. Ford Federal Loan (Stafford, Unsubsidized Stafford, PLUS)

Texas B-on-Time Loan

Employment Programs

Federal Work Study

Texas Work Study

Working to Success

Students should visit the Career Services Office or for on-campus student employment, job searching tips, interview skills, resume writing, and etc. Students should also enroll in PatriotJobs for additional employment assistance and appointments (a username and password is required).

Tuition Exemptions and Waivers

For a complete listing of all exemptions and waivers offered by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, please refer to  

Hazlewood Tuition Exemption

Texas Commission for the Deaf Exemption

Texas Commission for the Blind Exemption

Early High School Graduation Award

Competitive Scholarship Waiver

Teaching/Research Assistant Waiver

Teacher/Professor Tuition Waiver

Concurrent Enrollment Exemption

Bordering State Resident Waiver

Valedictorian of Texas High Schools Exemption

Educational Aide Exemption

Senior Citizens Exemption

U.S. Military Stationed in Texas

Adopted Students Formerly in Foster or Residential Care

Children of Professional Nurse Faculty and Staff

Clinical Preceptors and their children

TANF Exemption

Children of Disabled Firefighters and Peace Officers